First Baptist Conroe is dedicated to teaching Scripture, and worshiping God through music and service.
Our Vision
By 2030, the people of FBC Conroe will be involved in 10,000 transforming relationships, as we work alongside the Spirit of God to bring peace to the chaos in our community, one heart, one family at a time.
“What is a transforming relationship?” That’s our term for any time you invest in someone else for their good. It’s NOT a random act of kindness, volunteering for charity, or some other short-term effort. It’s choosing to be someone’s friend for as long as it takes to show them the love of God.
Here are some examples:
--Befriending a non-Christian at your workplace or campus, praying for them and hoping for an opportunity someday to lead them to faith in Christ.
--Mentoring a student at a local school
--“Adopting” an elderly neighbor whose family doesn’t live nearby.
--You and your spouse meeting regularly with a couple who are newly married or having a hard time staying together, just to pray for them and encourage them.
--Helping guide a co-worker to make a budget and get out of debt.
--A Christian kid choosing to be a loyal friend to the kid everyone else makes fun of.
--Walking alongside someone who is going through a time of crisis: Grieving a death in their family, struggling with addiction, going through divorce, etc. Just praying for them and being present is enough to make this a transforming relationship.
--Meeting regularly with a new believer to help them learn how to follow Christ.
In Montgomery County, many are chasing the" good life," including a fulfilling social life, financial prosperity, plenty of "bucket list" experiences, a perfect marriage, happy successful kids, and
"looking the part" on social media. But what we find at the end of this pursuit is chaos in every aspect of our lives. Our neighbors are desperately lonely. Families are torn apart through divorce. Even many couples who stay together are emotionally distant or contentious toward one another. Parents obsessed with giving their children the good things they wanted feel powerless to address the emotional struggles of their children. In the midst of this chaos, some turn to addiction, while others contemplate ending their lives.
First Baptist Church is in the heart of our city and county. God has used this church powerfully for over a century to show a hurting world the best news or all: We serve the God who formed a good world out of chaos (Genesis 1:2). We trust in Jesus, who came into our chaos in human flesh, and died to redeem us (John 1:9-14). And His Spirit lives in us, taking us from fractured people to fully formed disciples as we follow Him (2 Corinthians 3:18). God's heart is still for the hurting. He is the one who can heal the chaos and restore our communities.
We will be a church where every person is invested in the lives of their neighbors, making disciples by the power of God. We will guide people to trade their vain pursuit of the good life for chasing after what is best: The Water of Life that trulv satisfies.
Over the next ten years, the people of FBC Conroe will be involved in 10,000 transforming relationships, both inside and outside the church, with the purpose of bringing peace to chaos. Kids from broken homes will be connected to adults with stable families. Strong couples will be connected to fragile marriages to help heal their burdens. Lonely people will find true friends. People separated from God will encounter Jesus through friendships with believers. And Christians will take on new, exciting roles in God's Kingdom while being mentored by more seasoned saints.
As we invest in our neighbors, we must prepare for numerical growth. We will do whatever it takes to create avenues and opportunities for that growth, including creating new Life Groups and worship services for the people we expect to be part of our family. We cannot allow anyone to feel alone or slip through the cracks, so we will add ministry staff proactively to address the needs of our growing family.
Along the way, we will celebrate stories of people connecting with others as we see chaos giving way to the peace of God.
By 2030, we will be known as the church that loves those who are hurting, broken, and in despair. Local leaders will call on us to partner with them in making our community a place of peace and wholeness. Even unbelievers will see the value we bring to our city and county. But most of all, people will know that the heart of Jesus is still in the heart of Conroe, and He cares for them.
Our Beliefs
We believe that all Scripture is divinely inspired and serves as the final authority in all matters of belief and behavior (2 Timothy 3:16-17; 2 Peter 1:20-21).
We believe that we are created by God to worship Him, and that glorifying God is the ultimate reason for our existence (John 4:23-24).
We believe that prayer is the privilege and responsibility of every Christian, and that God unleashes His power and leading in the lives of those who spend time in prayer (Matthew 6:7; 1 Thessalonians 5:17).
We believe that the family is God’s foundational institution for human society (Matthew 19:5-6; Ephesians 5:22-6:4).
We believe that God instructs Christians to cultivate loving relationships as a community of believers (Romans 12:10; 1 John 4:7-11).
We believe that all Christians should daily pursue a growing, personal relationship with Christ, and are responsible for becoming more like Christ in their beliefs and conduct (Ephesians 4:13; Colossians 1:28).
We believe that God cares about the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of every person. Further, we believe that every member of this church is called to minister (Ephesians 4:11-12).
We believe that every person is important to God, that God desires a personal relationship with every individual, and that He has entrusted us with the message of salvation (Matthew 28:19-20; 2 Corinthians 5:18-20).
We believe that biblical stewardship involves the proper management of all that God has given us … time, money, abilities, etc. … to expand his Kingdom (1 Corinthians 4:2; 1 Peter 4:10).