Who is this Man? - Part 6
Not of This World
Who is this Man? - Pt 6 - At His trial before Pilate, Jesus acted like no one the governor had ever seen. He showed no fear, refused to defend Himself, and spoke of another Kingdom that mattered more than any earthly thing. Jesus wasn’t here to achieve success by this world’s terms. He was here to ransom the lost, whatever it took. If we try to use Jesus to find the world’s version of “the good life,” we will fail. But if we lose our lives for His sake, we will find them.
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When our bond with God was severed by our sin, He didn’t give up on us. He made a second Eden, a place for us to meet with Him and be redeemed. That place was the Temple, and the events that happened there teach us about a God who is mighty to save, the cost of our sin, and His plans for us.