Who Is This God?: Part 7
What did John mean when He said "God IS love?" Not that God is an impersonal force, but that everything He does is motivated by His love…
Who Is This God?: Part 6
What did John mean when He said "God IS love?" Not that God is an impersonal force, but that everything He does is motivated by His love…
Who Is This God?: Part 5
These days, people think they can define God on their own terms. Of course, it has always been that way…
Who Is This God?: Part 4
These days, people think they can define God on their own terms. Of course, it has always been that way…
Who Is This God?: Part 3
These days, people think they can define God on their own terms. Of course, it has always been that way…
Who Is This God?: Part 2
These days, people think they can define God on their own terms. Of course, it has always been that way…
Making Progress: Part 7
Jesus didn’t save us so we could live in survival mode, just hoping to make it through each day. 1 Peter was written to people who, like us, were trying to live for Christ in a culture that thought their faith was irrelevant and ridiculous. It shows us that our relationship with God should produce progress in our lives, which leads to joy… and ultimately changes our culture.
Making Progress: Part 6
Jesus didn’t save us so we could live in survival mode, just hoping to make it through each day. 1 Peter was written to people who, like us, were trying to live for Christ in a culture that thought their faith was irrelevant and ridiculous. It shows us that our relationship with God should produce progress in our lives, which leads to joy… and ultimately changes our culture.
Making Progress: Part 5
Jesus didn’t save us so we could live in survival mode, just hoping to make it through each day. 1 Peter was written to people who, like us, were trying to live for Christ in a culture that thought their faith was irrelevant and ridiculous. It shows us that our relationship with God should produce progress in our lives, which leads to joy… and ultimately changes our culture.