Burying Bad Religion - Part 3
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Burying Bad Religion - Part 3 - Bad religion enslaves us to a list of rules we can never perfectly keep. The Gospel sets us free to walk with the Spirit of God. The commands of Scripture are everlasting, but were never meant to be our salvation. When we reduce our faith to a list of rules, we are denying grace and re-embracing the slavery Jesus died to free us from. Legalism seems like true religion because it’s so restrictive, but it’s time for us to follow Paul’s example and reject it. It is for freedom Christ has set us free.
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When our bond with God was severed by our sin, He didn’t give up on us. He made a second Eden, a place for us to meet with Him and be redeemed. That place was the Temple, and the events that happened there teach us about a God who is mighty to save, the cost of our sin, and His plans for us.